2017年7月30日 星期日

Norwood Park, London,

And the mayor agrees.
With 8m trees and 14,000 species of wildlife, the capital should be…

Campaigners call for a new national park — in London With 8m trees and 14,000 species of wildlife, the capital should be recognised as an ecological as well as a financial centre, say campaigners — and the mayor agrees

Norwood Park, London,

2017年7月27日 星期四

Portrait of Richard Milles

Portrait of Richard Milles

probably 1760s, Pompeo Girolamo Batoni
The sitter has been identified as Richard Milles of Nackington, (about 1735 - 1820), Member of Parliament for nearby Canterbury from 1761-80. Milles probably sat for this portrait when he was in Rome during his Grand Tour. He points to a map inscribed with the place name 'Grisoni', a Swiss Canton which he probably visited on his way to Italy. The classical bust of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius alludes to the sitter's interest in classical antiquity. Batoni painted a half-length portrait of Milles and a miniature on ivory (the latter in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge). 

The mood of the portrait is one of assurance and ease, created by the artist to dignify the sitter.


Portrait of his daughter, Mary Elizabeth Milles, by Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1789, at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Key facts

Artist dates
1708 - 1787
Full title
Portrait of Richard Milles
Date made
probably 1760s
Medium and support
Oil on canvas
134.6 x 96.3 cm
Acquisition credit
Bought, 1980
Inventory number
Location in Gallery

National Gallery
The sitter of this portrait by Pompeo Girolamo Batoni has been identified as Richard Milles of Nackington, Member of Parliament for nearby Canterbury from 1761-80. Milles probably sat for this portrait when he was in Rome during his Grand Tour: http://bit.ly/2sXg8tn

The U.S. offers the U.K. a chance on trade, if Gove doesn’t chicken out

Trump Throws Brexit a Lifeline A10

The U.S. offers the U.K. a chance on trade, if Gove doesn’t chicken out.

Michael Andrew Gove is a British Conservative politician, who was Secretary of State for Education from 2010 to 2014 and Secretary of State for Justice from 2015 to 2016. Wikipedia
BornAugust 26, 1967 (age 49), Edinburgh, United Kingdom
SpouseSarah Vine (m. 2001)
Majority24,943 (43.1%)

2017年7月25日 星期二

Britain 'to ban all petrol and diesel vehicle sales by 2040'

Britain 'to ban all petrol and diesel vehicle sales by 2040'

Sales of new cars and lorries that rely on fossil fuels will be outlawed in a bid to reduce pollution


“從小到大,我從不當眾談論自己的世襲貴族家庭背景。談論這件事會讓我覺得不安。”英國記者哈利沃勒普(Harry Wallop)告訴我,其祖父是第九代Portsmouth 伯爵。
哈利選了倫敦一家法式餐廳見面。他身著T卹及牛仔褲——這是有著世襲貴族背景的年輕一代最不會犯錯的日常衣著方式(以下談到的“貴族”,皆指世襲貴族,而非“一代”貴族。現代英國頒發的貴族,只有頭銜,沒有封地與錢財,純屬榮譽性質。)“現在的upper class,自己心知肚明,但不明講,對外一率自稱'中產階級'。”哈利如是說。
2014年,我在海克利爾莊園採訪女主人卡納文伯爵夫人,她家自從拍了《唐頓莊園》後,名聲大噪。當時我問她“你會用upper class形容自己嗎?”伯爵夫人大笑:“Not in England。”當時卡梅倫任首相,英國媒體的報導顯示,他對自己家世的貴族背景小心翼翼。他讓大女兒就讀一所英國公立學校,妹妹結婚時,他沒穿傳統禮服,只著普通西服。

喬恩•布里格斯(Jon Briggs)是英國配音界的招牌人物,一口華麗的英國腔。他曾和我說:“我生不逢時。如果早20年出生,我會更成功。”現在英國不再像從前那樣重視BBC口音,而這種口音曾代表著身份和地位,所以他的優勢少了。
哈利在採訪中告訴我:“幾十年前,'貴族口音'是被模仿的對象,但現在這個趨勢反過來了。你聽已故戴安娜王妃及哈利王子說話,明顯故意夾雜了東倫敦口音(傳統上認為是'工人階級'口音)。BBC現在招聘的主播大都說當地方言,很少再使用BBC標準口音。最著名的新聞主播之一Huw Edwards說的就是帶威爾士地方腔的口音。”
哈利在書中提到:“目前英國還有1000名左右的世襲貴族,真正仍然有錢有地的貴族已寥寥無幾。”但貴族仍然是英國的大地主。據2010年Country Life Magazine發布的數據,英國仍有超過1/3的土地掌握在極少數貴族手中。有個別貴族把土地轉換成房地產業,成為巨富,如排在最新《泰晤士英國富豪榜》第9位的第七代西敏公爵(The Duke of Westminster)。但不是每位貴族都像西斯敏斯特公爵那般好運。哈利說:“貴族有大片土地,可他們缺少現金流,他們的財富完全無法與那些基金經理相比。”
1990年,耶魯大學出版社就出版了英國歷史學家Sir David Cannadine9(大衛•康納汀爵士))的著作《英國貴族的沒落》(Decline and Fall of the British Aristocracy)。該書寫道: “直到19世紀70年代,貴族還是英國最富有、最有權勢、以及最富有魅力的階級,且自認受上帝委派。可其後的百餘年,他們的財富枯萎了、權利喪失了、魅力黯淡了,甚至他們的集體身份認同亦逐漸被殘酷地削減了。”
土地一直是貴族的權利與經濟收入來源。據Late Victorian Britain 1875-1901的數據:1873年,全國4/5土地掌握在不到7000人手中;在英格蘭,有近300名世襲貴族擁有超過上萬英畝土地的莊園。土地為貴族確保了源源不斷的現金流。
可貴族被剝奪了政治權力後,自由黨政府於1909年在下議院提出People's Budget(人民預算),第一次大幅度提高了遺產稅稅額,1940年時高達65%,導致無法維護莊園。1900年以來,光是英格蘭就有1200座莊園被拆毀;1950年,莊園被拆毀的速度達到歷史之最,全英國每五天就有一座消失於人間。
除了拆毀,更多貴族選擇把莊園轉交給National Trust(國家信託)管理。國家信託成立於1895年,是一家專門保護英國文化遺產的慈善機構,它最終成為了英國莊園的最大避難所。現在,有超過350座具有歷史價值意義的莊園(大多擁有豐富的繪畫收藏、傢俱、書藉、金屬製品、陶器、紡織品等)、花園及古代遺跡在國家信託的保護下得以倖存並向公眾開放。國家信託有三百七十萬繳交年費的忠誠會員。去莊園遊玩,欣賞花園,在廣闊的草地上奔跑,成了許多英國家庭的周末遊樂項目。一次我在威爾士一莊園參觀,工作人員告訴我:“有一老太太從前在這莊園樓下做僕人,來參觀時特感慨,因為她第一次有機會由正門登堂入室。”
雖然貴族失去了權勢,但在上議院的位置還部分保留著。1999年,工黨出台新政,要把世襲貴族進一步踢出上院。時任首相布萊爾簽發The House of Lords Act 1999,到2000年3月把上院議員人數從1330個減至669,僅允許保留92位世襲貴族。終生貴族(即政府提名、女王冊封的貴族,始於1958年,來自社會各行業的傑出人士。無地無賞銀,不能傳給下一代,純屬榮譽)成為了上院主體。

2017年7月24日 星期一

War of words over Flint Castle iron ring sculpture

The £395,000 sculpture that's being called "extremely disrespectful" to Wales.

Plans to create an iron ring sculpture at Flint Castle have been described as "insulting to Wales".
The design, said to represent the relationship between the medieval monarchies of Europe and the castles they built, was unveiled on Friday.
But critics including Plaid Cymru's North Wales AM Llyr Gruffydd said it symbolises the oppression of Welsh people.
Monuments body Cadw said the plans were "about investing in Flint".
Flint was one of the first castles to be built in Wales by Edward I - construction began in 1277.
The winning design was selected by a panel following a nation-wide competition, and the architects said it demonstrated "the unstable nature of the crown".
But Mr Gruffydd said a sculpture celebrating the conquest of Wales by Edward I was "inappropriate and insulting".
"The 'ring of steel' is the description given to the chain of castles across Wales that were built to conquer and subjugate Wales," he said.
"From a Welsh perspective, this is certainly not something to celebrate. It does not either reflect the many rich Welsh legends that could have been the source of a far more appropriate sculpture."

'Divides opinions'

petition has also been launched calling the design "extremely disrespectful". By Monday it had attracted more than 2,000 signatures.

George Vertue

George Vertue was an English engraver and antiquary, whose notebooks on British art of the first half of the 18th century are a valuable source for the period. Wikipedia
DiedJuly 24, 1756, London, United Kingdom

The antiquary and engraver George Vertue died #onthisday in 1756.
This drawing by Vertue, labelled ‘Something by memory and ye description of Shakespeares House’, was jotted down 35 years after the building had been remodelled, during his sightseeing tour in October 1737. There are no known earlier illustrations of the house.